Reflections On Change And The Process Of Metamorphosis
Over the last few weeks I’ve found myself, probably like many of you, reflecting more than usual. In particular, I have thought about the different shifts and life events that have gotten me to where I am now. A large part of my identity is being an acupuncturist. It is not just my work or vocation; to me it’s a calling that infuses all aspects of my life. Reflecting on how that came to be feels relevant at this time because well, we are in a pandemic, and if there was ever a time that we are being invited (maybe forced) to re-think our orientation to everything from the work we do, healthcare, food sources, supply chain, the list goes on… it is now.
Here is my story of making my way through a different in which I had to re-think many aspects of my life, a time when things I relied on for a sense of solidity, comfort, and normalcy crumbled.