BE WELL BASICS: A Sustainable Approach
COVID-19 is impacting everything at the moment, and when things are feeling so chaotic and uncertain, we can take refuge in the basic practices that keep us well. A hearty immune system takes a multi-faceted approach. This time is an opportunity to approach immunity holistically and from that, have more stability on all levels.
In Chinese Medicine, Wei Qi loosely translates to our immunity. It is the qi on the surface, interacting with the interior and exterior, and it is associated with the Lung. Colds and flus are looked at as Wind, and they usher in change. I think it is valuable to take some time to process these metaphors and understand our individual roles as well as the global implications.
Following are basic guidelines to help you move through this time.
Cut back on the inflammatory foods: gluten, dairy, sugar, alcohol, and caffeine. Depending on your constitution, some of these will have more of a negative impact on you than others, so be sensitive to your body and listen to what it needs. More importantly, focus on all the delicious foods that will nourish and sustain you. We build qi with the food we eat, so we want it to be hearty and well-sourced. Think cooked vegetables and legumes, whole grains, and trusted sources of meat and fish. Bone broth is a wonderful choice right now. The process of making it is slow and it repairs the body on a deep level, creating a particular kind of anchoring when things are chaotic.
Eat good food and enjoy it. It will translate to abundant qi.
Our bodies repair while we are sleeping. If sleep is compromised, our immunity suffers, our emotions become more erratic, and our intellect falters. So make it a priority. If you are having trouble sleeping due to anxiety this might be the time to seek acupuncture.
In general, overextending ourselves, having our schedules over-crowded will negatively impact our immune system. Take time to do an honest assessment of your activities and cancel those things that are unnecessary or draining. Then use that time to center yourself with meditation or something that gets you breathing more deeply and slowly.
If you do get sick, the best thing you can do is rest. Do not try to power through it and continue with your activities. You obviously don’t want spread it to others, but you also won’t heal as well if you don’t heed your body’s call to slow down.
Fresh air and sunlight are just things we need. Movement gets us in our bodies. When we are taking in the outdoors we tend to be less focused on our problems because we are tuning in to the cycles that are inherent in nature.
Now we are moving into spring, a time of abundance and growth. Psychologically this feels supportive and it encourages the central nervous system to dial down. When the central nervous system calms, our immune systems are able to perform unimpeded.
I don’t tend to use many supplements. I believe that the body is able to absorb nutrients from whole food much more efficiently than in a pill form. In harmless cases of taking supplements we end up peeing a lot of it out. The unfortunate other end of that spectrum is that we get more than our bodies need or can handle and end up with an allergic reaction or a new type of imbalance.
That said, I do like to add Omega-3 and vitamin D in the winter months. I do this in the form of cod liver oil- just a spoonful with my breakfast. It keeps inflammation down and contributes to a stable mood.
Essential oils are a big part of my wellness toolkit. However, there is a lot of misuse of them happening— often too much and incorrect prescriptions. Our bodies receptors are extremely sensitive, and if they become oversaturated by applying too much the receptors will shut down. But, if used correctly they are incredible medicine that can work on the physical body, the emotions, and the spirit.
For the purposes of supporting our Wei Qi, a good practice is to do a steam tent with Eucalyptus and Tea Tree oils. If you aren’t familiar with this practice you simply bring some water off the boil into a large bowl, add 5 drops of essential oil and then breathe in the steam with a towel over your head to tent in the steam. If you are having upper respiratory symptoms, this can be done twice a day. For general immune support, do it a few times a week.
I am available for phone or FaceTime consultations if you are in need of a more tailored plan including dietary and lifestyle recommendations, healing visualizations, I Ching and custom essential oil blends with point prescriptions. Just reach out via email