Amber Milanovich Amber Milanovich

Tips for Staying Well This Season

We are undeniably in fall at this point. As I sit here writing this I’m noticing that a few of the trees out my window are nearly bare. It’s colder, and it’s been windy and rainy. All of those climatic factors influence the body and can lead to greater susceptibility to colds and flus. So, I wanted to send a reminder of the things we can do to bolster our resilience for the colder months ahead of us.

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Amber Milanovich Amber Milanovich

Everything But Covid: Self-Care As Spiritual Practice

This is not normally the time of year that I would be writing about colds and flus, but this year is different: Because we spent the past year masked and distanced, many of us went through a long period of not having any colds or flus. Fortunately, COVID-19 cases are down now, but because people are beginning to be out and about again, interacting more closely with others, other colds and flus are spreading. So, I wanted to go over self-care practices that are integral to my approach to colds and flus, and are also practical tips should you find yourself getting sick.

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Amber Milanovich Amber Milanovich

BE WELL BASICS: A Sustainable Approach

COVID-19 is impacting everything at the moment, and when things are feeling so chaotic and uncertain, we can take refuge in the basic practices that keep us well. A hearty immune system takes a multi-faceted approach.

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Amber Milanovich Amber Milanovich


Perhaps you're reading this because you are among the many menstruating women who feel hijacked by hormones for 2 days to 2 weeks out of the month. Symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) vary from person to person and can include irritability, depression, lethargy, tiredness, food cravings, acne, bloating, rage, brain fog and more. Often, it looks like an exacerbation of any other issues that you experience throughout the month, ie. your migraines get worse, your irritable bowels become more irritable, etc. Read on to explore this part of the menstrual cycle, to examine the role these symptoms might play, and to understand how acupuncture can help decode and reduce PMS.

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